Agenda and Meeting Minutes:

1. Welcome and Introduction (15 minutes)

09:00 - 09:05: Hosts welcome and brief overview of the meeting

09:05 - 09:15: Get to know you activity (e.g., quick introductions in chat) - Alan

2. CS4NE Podcast Introduction (10 minutes) - Guy & Kim

09:15 - 09:25:Brief introduction to podcast and covered topics/guests

3. CSEd Week idea share (25 minutes)

09:25 - 09:50: Quick overview of CS Ed Week Ideas 

  • Hour of Code activity ideas - Terry 

  • Questions about Hour of Code or CS Ed Week4. RING Cybersecurity PD (5 minutes)

09:50 - 09:55: Sharing information for Cybersecurity PD

5. Closing Remarks and Next Steps (5 minutes)

09:55 - 10:00: Wrap-up, mention of future meetups, and how to stay connected

Mentor Program - sign up links