Leadership Team

President - Tiffiny Widdifield

Vice President - Alan Holdorf

Vice President - Kimberly Ingraham-Beck

Secretary - Terry Julian

Treasurer - Jeanne Pope
Jeanne Pope launched her teaching career in 1998 in a one-room schoolhouse in Boone County, where she taught students from kindergarten through 8th grade. After two years, she joined Shelton Public Schools, where she has served in various capacities, including classroom teacher, school librarian, and assessment coordinator. Currently, Jeanne plays a multifaceted role as a K-12 computer science teacher, technology coordinator, and data steward, bringing her expertise to support both students and staff.

Communications - Nichole Niebur

Communications - Kristeen Shabram
Kristeen Shabram is a middle school teacher at Westside Middle School in Omaha, NE. She teaches 7th grade Business & Technology and is Westside Middle School PowerSchool Specialist. She also sponsors an after school Girls Who Code Club. She has served two terms as the K-8 Representative on the national CSTA Board, has served on the CSTA Conference Committee since 2018, and she was the 2022 CSTA Annual Conference Chair.